New Seller Education

In 2022 I worked on an animated educational module that helps new users learn how to sell on StockX.

Customer Problem

One of StockX key differentiators is how easy it is to set up an account and begin reselling. Unlike other platforms, there is no waiting period or approval process. However, this lack of friction sometimes results in new sellers not understanding StockX policies. This creates problems for StockX as well as the sellers who might get penalty fees or have sales canceled for not following the rules..


It was clear that more education was needed but our goal was to make that as painless as possible. After a new user created a listing or sold an item for the first time, we sent them an app inbox message with an invitation to learn more about the selling process in exchange for a discount on their next sale. The message launched a full screen module with a series of animated slides. To test their knowledge, there was a final quiz question that needed to be answered correctly in order to receive the promo code.


I created 6 illustrations that mapped out the different steps in the selling process from listing your item to getting paid. I animated the illustrations in After Effects and then exported them as json files so they could be rendered quickly using Lottie files.